
Already a member?

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Interpret Europe’s broad membership guarantees lively exchange between more than 1,000 practitioners and academics, suppliers and customers from 55 countries.

To facilitate this exchange, we offer several news channels, including newsmails, quarterly newsletters, the news section on this website, our conference website newsfeed and our social media accounts. We organise conferences, training courses, webinars and surveys, and we join political meetings, trade fairs and other international events to advocate for the work of our members.

Our members are

  • Individuals interested in heritage interpretation and/or working as guides or trainers, designers, copywriters or planners, or in the management of facilities
  • Institutions or organisations encouraging people to experience and learn about natural or cultural heritage
  • Businesses offering interpretive or support services and supplies

Members of Interpret Europe are based on all continents. We welcome anybody who wants to become a member and be connected with the development of heritage interpretation in Europe.

Members do not need to renew their membership annually. It is effective for an unlimited time, with an annual membership fee, but can be cancelled by the member at any time before the end of the active year. We ask you kindly to ensure that your membership fees are paid by the end of January of the current membership year.

A member who wishes to re-join IE after their membership has been cancelled due to an outstanding past payment, will be charged a re-application fee. This fee will be at the same rate as the individual membership fee that applies in the applicant’s country.

Membership fees are adjusted to the average income in different countries. At the end of the registration process you can chose between online credit card or Paypal payment (preferred options) or choose a regular bank transfer.

Donors wishing to offer sponsored memberships to a person, an organisation or a company can do so for one year or longer.


Meet our members
The Directorate of The State Cultural Reserve of Vilnius Castles
Logo_The Council for Conservation of Heritage Sites in Israel_Interpret IL
Andros Research Center