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Membership Level change

You have selected the Individual - Group B membership level.

Please fill in this form and submit the data electronically.

Please do not use capital letters within words when filling in your application form to make sure your name and address is spelled correctly in all further correspondence.

* means that this field must be filled.

For more information about membership fees and money transfer see our FAQ

Your membership will be marked as trial on the payment portal until your next payment in January next year.

Membership Fee: the annual membership fee is €45.00. Your entry fee after all discounts is shown on your invoice. The next payment will be charged on January 21, 2025.

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Contact person if applying for Institutional or Business membership

Contact person if applying for Institutional or Business membership

Contact person if applying for Institutional or Business membership

Terms of service

If you submit a PayPal or credit card, we will automatically debit your bank account with the annual membership fee, however, you could manually cancel the subscription and renew it again next year when being asked for payment. In case of an invoice we will send you an invoice. If you wish to cease your membership, you can send us a written note to confirm this at any time. However, termination becomes effective at the end of the calendar year. We will only share your contact details among Interpret Europe members. By submitting this form, you are applying for membership of Interpret Europe - European Association for Heritage Interpretation e.V.